9 resultados relacionados con "Janssens, A.".
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Countries’ contributions to climate change: effect of accounting for all greenhouse gases, recent trends, basic needs and technological progress

Climate Change Impacts, Earth Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Emissions (Pollution), Statistics, Climatic changes, Climate change, Technology, Greenhouse gases

Año de publicación: 2013

Artículo de revista
Performance evaluation of passive cooling in office buildings based on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

Passive cooling

Año de publicación: 2010

Artículo de revista
New feed sources key to ambitious climate targets

Climate change, Food security, Biofuels, Livestock, CCS, protein, BECCS, FeliX

Año de publicación: 2015

Artículo de revista
Bio-energy retains its mitigation potential under elevated CO2

Climate change, Carbon dioxide, Mitigation, Agriculture, Crops, Agricultural production, Greenhouse effect, MANAGEMENT, Greenhouse gases, Soils, Ecosystems, Biology, forest management, Carbon sequestration, Carbon, Forests, Atmosphere, Harvest, Food, Biogeochemistry, Plants - metabolism, Ecosystem biology, Fossil fuels, Biomass, Energy management, Biofuels,...

Año de publicación: 2010

Artículo de revista
Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon decomposition and feedbacks to climate change

Climate change, Temperature effects, Carbon - metabolism, Carbon, Carbon Dioxide - metabolism, Plants - metabolism, Soil - analysis, Decomposition, Soil sciences

Año de publicación: 2006

Artículo de revista
Strong resilience of soil respiration components to drought-induced die-off resulting in forest secondary succession

Ecology, Life Sciences, Plant Sciences, Hydrology/Water Resources, Mediterranean forest, autotrophic respiration, Heterotrophic respiration, Pinus sylvestris, Partitioning fluxes

Año de publicación: 2016

Artículo de revista
Rapid radiation of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) during Pliocene and Pleistocene: Result of a global climate change

Global cooling, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Rapid radiation, Impatiens, DNA, Plant - genetics, DNA, Chloroplast - genetics, Impatiens - classification, Impatiens - genetics, Cell Nucleus - genetics, Radiation, Global temperature changes

Año de publicación: 2009

Artículo de revista
Simultaneously mitigating near-term climate change and improving human health and food security

Climate change, Food supply, Public health, Environmental aspects, Climatic changes, Research, Methane - analysis, Air pollution, Methane, Methods, Emissions control, Air Pollutants - analysis, Ozone - analysis, Soot - analysis, Air Pollution - prevention & control, Air quality management, Troposphere

Año de publicación: 2012